“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” In a year full of uncertainty, it’s hard to know what fall may bring. Typically, fall welcomes the kickoff of a new school year, and, for many, a time to start anew. This month we infuse some energy into your life and encourage you to keep a positive mindset going into this new season, with ideas for getting your garden in tip-top shape, pizza recipes full of fall flavor, frighteningly fun Halloween activities, and solutions for achieving better sleep.
You might not think of fall as a prime time to start your garden, but it’s actually the ideal season to begin planting if you want to see beautiful blooms come spring. This guide for what to plant, how to plant it, and how to protect your plants can help you ensure your garden thrives.
Another thing you might not immediately associate with fall is pizza, but, as it turns out, October is National Pizza Month! Celebrate the season and one of the world’s most popular foods with a trio of autumn-inspired pies and some trivia.
For even more seasonal fun, ideas for a spirited Halloween, such as a “spook your neighbor” activity and pretty painted pumpkin crafts, can help you make the most of this time of year.
Last but not least, with daylight saving time around the corner, it’s important to make sure your sleep schedule is solid, which can be difficult without the right mattress and sleep environment. These tips for finding the perfect mattress and crafting a comfortable bedroom are sure to help you get more shut-eye.
May October bring all the changes you need to feel fulfilled and inspired. And if you run short of ideas, just reach out to us. We are here to help you live a more connected life as you walk your path and Transform Your Vision of Wealth.
Amida Lifestyle Magazine: October 2020
With love and light,